For thirty years, the United Action Caucus has worked to make the American Federation of Teachers a more democratic union and a more effective fighter on behalf of teachers and public education. We have pursued those goals at every AFT convention and among rank and file teachers across the country.We have long fought for the restoration of the secret ballot in the election of union officers and for a return to the system of proportional representation at biennial conventions which would give small locals a bigger voice. We believe in unity of all teachers, and called for the merger of the AFT with the National Education Association (NEA) long before the idea became popular.
We have opposed the squandering of tax dollars on unnecessary weapons systems and proposed more funding for public education. We have insisted on militant opposition to merit pay proposals, charter schools, vouchers and many similar initiatives aimed at compromising our professional rights, our union solidarity and the public school system, which we believe is the foundation of our democratic society.